To be born a second time is not only a matter of symbolism: it is the fruit of an interior work which aims to open and free all our subtle channels. This form of alchemy can be achieved by acting with two elements: water (love) and fire (wisdom). By uniting love and wisdom we give birth to truth and new life. We thus become fraternal and universal citizens.
Table of Contents
1. ‘Eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God!’
2. The white stone
3. ‘The one on the housetop...’
4. ‘Take up your cross, and follow me’
5. The Spirit of truth
6. The three great temptations
7. Children and the elderly
8. ‘May you be cold or hot’
9. ‘It is good to praise the Lord...’
10. The mustard seed
11. The tree on the river
12. ‘Grow and multiply’